Growing up in a bi-lingual, bi-cultural and bi-racial household has afforded Michele many benefits. She learned early on to treat others with compassion and respect. She developed an easygoing attitude even though she received many unsolicited comments about her ethnicity such as “What are you?” She grew up comprehending that who you are as a person is what makes each individual unique, not his or her ethnic origin.
Nicole Weaver
Nicole Weaver
Nicole Weaver is a multi-award winning author. She writes fiction and nonfiction books. With four trilingual children's picture books to her credit, Marie and Her Friend the Sea Turtle (Second edition September 2015), My Sister Is My Best Friend (November 2011), My Brother is My Best Friend (January 2014) and recently published Colton and Chloe (October 2018) She ignites the curiosity of children by offering them a fun way to become immersed in English, French and Spanish. She has also authored two nonfiction books titled Not All Americans Are Racist (February 2015) and Saying Yes To My Life’s Calling: Breakthroughs in Becoming an Educator (October 2015). Nicole can also be found on LinkedIn.