Gordon Bobb, a partner at the Century City law firm of Del Shaw Moonves Tanaka Finkelstein & Lezcano, focuses his work primarily on the representation of actors, comedians, athletes, writers, directors, production companies and distribution companies across television, film and multimedia platforms. Beyond his law practice, Bobb serves as a member of the board of directors for the Black House Foundation, and as an advisor for the Georgetown entertainment media alliance
by wearechm
Here is the title track from Ziggy Marley’s album, Rebellion Rises, released May 18th, 2018
by wearechmby wearechm -
Check out DJ Willy Wonka Presents SOCA FACTORY VOL. 5 “2017 Soca Mix” one of his most popular volumes!
by wearechmby wearechm -
10 years after Turn Me On took over internationally, Soca King Kevin Lyttle releases a video for another big hit: Slow Motion (Banks & Ranks Edit)
by wearechmby wearechm